Reflector Portrait (SF Field trip)


1/400    f/8   ISO 100

Histogram (before): 


Histogram (edited): 

Favorite Picture (extra!):

Reflection Questions:
  • What challenges did you encounter photographing and editing this image? 
    • Photographing, to me, was a bit harder than actually editing the image. It was hard to get really good lighting and then bounce it off the reflector just right so it hit the model's face. 
  • How did you overcome these challenges?
    • To over some these challenges, we went behind that structure in the picture to have some shade and then used the reflector to bounce the light that came across the top of the structure onto the model's face. 
  • What side of the reflector did you use and why? How did it affect your image?
    • I used the completely white side. I used this because gold would make her face too golden and the silver would be too harsh. The white side provided nice, soft light.
  • Do you like your image in black and white or color more? Why? 
    • I like it a lot in black in white because 1.) the multiple colors in the background do not distract and 2.) it brings out texture in the person's face (which shows it's hardness) and things like the structure behind the model. 
  • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
    • I might try to reflect more light onto her face so that it does not have a weird shadow that takes up about 1/4 of her face.


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