Assignment: Outside Group Picture

shutter 1/320 f-stop: 5.6  ISO: 400
This is the photo I thought was the best in terms of lighting and composition. The very minor problem I have with it is the fact that there is a white car in the back. But you can barely see it, so I guess it is ok. 

shutter: 1/320  f-stop: 5.6  ISO: 400
This photo in not balanced because there is an awkward space in the right and none to the left. Also, there is a big red truck in the back which totally throws off the photo.

My jump photo: 

shutter: 1/320 f-stop: 4 ISO: 3200

The only problems I have with this are the fact that it is really grainy and it's also kind of blurry in those places. I needed the high ISO because the place I shot it in was pretty dark. 


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